I offer piano lessons to beginner and early intermediate students of all ages
starting at age 5. A piano lesson with me is an INDIVIDUALIZED, POSITIVE, and FUN experience that provides a firm foundation in piano technique, music theory and piano musicianship skills. We will also cover a wide variety of "classical" repertoire and include any music style or song(s) that your child(you) has interests in. Lessons are an hour in length--one have hour private lesson with me and one half hour independent work in my computer lab.
Working in the computer lab, the student follows personalized lesson plans using a keyboard and a variety of piano software to review and work with concepts that they are learning about in the private lesson. The student is also encouraged to utilize the software to compose their own music. I ask each student to make a firm commitment to weekly lessons, daily practice, and their give each lesson their very best effort.
For adult learners, I offer flexibility both is lesson times and frequency.
I encourage a weekly lesson, but for some, intermittent lessons work best. I also offer day or evening lesson times. Adults often have a very busy schedule, and I do everything I can to accommodate them.
Regular performance by the younger students is encouraged. My studio has two formal recitals, annually: the Winter Recital is held in January, and the Spring Recital is held in June. My students also perform in Oregon Music Teacher's Association events, exams, and festivals held throughout the school year. Also, in the National Federation of Music Clubs festival held each spring.
I am active in my local district of the Oregon Music Teacher's Association
and am also a member of Music Teacher's National Association and the National Federation of Music Clubs. I studied piano for more than 10 years via private lessons--Continuing piano study through advanced piano lessons, seminars and masterclasses. I am also currently studying for MTNA certification.
If your are looking for a good teacher in the Portland area, give me a call.
Also, contact the Portland OMTA Teacher's Referral line at (503)972-5898 for other qualified teachers in this area.
Good Luck with Your Piano Studies!!! Karen Johnson-Will