Piano Teachers Yuliya Strongovska - Piano Teacher Yuliya Strongovska


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Piano Teacher Yuliya Strongovska
Yuliya Strongovska
Piano Teacher Waldorf, Maryland
Classical piano professional teaching from Ukraine with more than 35 years of instructional experience at the state Children's Music School. I am a private teacher now. I have part time work at the St. Peter's Catholic Church and School in Waldorf, Maryland , as accompanist. I am a member of teacher's associations: MTNA , MSMTA , MTACC. I have time and desire to give my talent and teaching experience for american students. My students performances: Studio Recital in June, 8, 2013. 2th Places took two of my students at the competition, Sonatina Festival, ( Waldorf, April, 27, 2013 ) My students played on harpsichord: Baroque Festival , (La Plata Christ Church, La Plata, February, 2) Recital "Carols & Cookies" , Music Teacher's Association of Charles County ( La Plata, Christ Church, La Plata, December, 1, 2012). Welcome! strongovska07@gmail.com

Contact Info

Phone:  240- 607- 2637Email:  strongovska07@gmail.com
Website:  http://www.lessonrating.com/YuliyaFacebook:  
Twitter:  Member Since:   2012-11-07

Waldorf, MD

12020 Pierce Rd


Video:   My the first performance in USA with flute teacher Ms. Lucy
Date:   2013-07-05 05:57:19
Description:   Christ Church, La Plata , MD

Video:   Student Jason Cheng
Date:   2013-07-05 05:47:23
Description:   Preparing sonatina for the competition.

Video:   My student Jason Cheng
Date:   2013-07-05 05:44:16
Description:   Jason , 6 y.o., is playing at the piano for 2 years.

Video:   My student Erick Cheng
Date:   2013-07-05 05:39:22
Description:   He study 3 years. Winner at the Sonatina Fest Competition, 2 Place, 2013 y.


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