Classical piano professional teaching from Ukraine with more than 35 years of instructional experience at the state Children's Music School.
I am a private teacher now.
I have part time work at the St. Peter's Catholic Church and School in Waldorf, Maryland , as accompanist.
I am a member of teacher's associations: MTNA , MSMTA , MTACC.
I have time and desire to give my talent and teaching experience for american students.
My students performances:
Studio Recital in June, 8, 2013.
2th Places took two of my students at the competition, Sonatina Festival, ( Waldorf, April, 27, 2013 )
My students played on harpsichord: Baroque Festival , (La Plata Christ Church, La Plata, February, 2)
Recital "Carols & Cookies" , Music Teacher's Association of Charles County ( La Plata, Christ Church, La Plata, December, 1, 2012).